What's New!!! (Animebooks' Corner)
If you want the low down on the latest products and news, here is a good place to start. We will inform you on what is happening around Animebooks and the latest news on Anime. Please check out our New Arrival section for our latest products. If you want see a blast from not too distant past, check out the archives below. Just to refresh your memory...
If you want to check out more hidden surprises, sales, discounts, or products, please check out our Facebook page. Yes, we also have a Facebook page!!! The hyperlink will take you right there. n . nMarch 1-2, 2025
Things has been busy on our front. A lot of things has happened and we don't want our customers to feel like we have forgotten about them. Please be patience with us as we tried to answer your questions and ship your order. We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.
As for any of you who our interested in our upcoming conventions, here is a list of upcoming ones that you might wanna join us in:
Kikori-Con (Flagstaff, AZ) on March 8-9
Ani-Me (Fresno, CA) on March 15-16
Anime Arizona (Glendale, AZ) on March 21-23
Wonder Con (Anaheim, CA) on March 28-30 and
Anime New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) on March 28-30
See you there!
Also, need inspiration? How about these titles below?
Mika Pikazo Illustrations - MikaPikaZo Art Book
FANTASIAN Neo Dimension Official Setting Material Art BookIf you miss out on the actions from the past year or two, review yourselves with the other products that we have listed below.