KERA! Magazine One Year Magazine Subscription (12 issues)
Product Description
One year magazine subscription (12 issues) of KERA! Magazine. This is a magazine that focuses on female punk rock and gothic clothing along with pop Japanese culture.
That's only $10.33 + S/H cost on average per issue for the next 12 issues of KERA! Magazine until your subscription ends.
- Your subscription will start with the available current issue.
- Each issue is written in Japanese text.
- You will receive 12 issues.
- Please select ONE YEAR MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION FLAT RATE for One Title (U.S. Residents Only) for shipping option during Check-out.
- Each subscription will be shipped using USPS standard ground shipping method (usually arrive in 2 to 5 business days).
Special Magazine Subscription Shipping/Handling Flat Rates as follow:
- 1 Magazine Subscription-$20/year($1.67 per issue)
- 2 Magazines Subscription-$36/year($1.50 per issue)
- 3 Magazines Subscription-$48/year($1.33 per issue)
- 4 Magazines Subscription-$60/year($1.25 per issue)